Gum Infection: Gingivitis

Gingivitis is the medical term for the bacterial infection that is limited to the gums only. The symptoms include *swelling, redness, pain and bleeding on brushing or flossing. It is 100% reversible, with a combination of professional therapy, oral hygiene instructions and patient compliance. In general, gum infection can be caused by long-term exposure to plaque, the sticky, colourless film that forms on the teeth. Gum infection originates in the gums, between the teeth, from bacteria and food leftovers, and then spreads to the visible part of the gums. If you experience *chronic bad breath, tender, painful and swollen gums, or bleeding on brushing or flossing, don’t ignore it because it can spread towards the bone underneath and become periodontal disease, which is much more serious and harder to treat and it can affect your general well-being.
In many cases, due to lack of awareness, Gingivitis can go unnoticed. The infection can eventually cause the gums to separate from the teeth, forming periodontal pockets and creating even greater opportunities for complications and decay. If Gingivitis goes untreated, more serious problems such as abscesses and bone loss can occur. The gum and bone disease (Periodontitis) is the major cause of tooth loss in adults. In many cases it is avoidable. Periodontitis is treated in a number of ways. One method, called root planing, involved cleaning and scraping below the gum line to smooth the roots. If effective, this procedure helps the gums re-attach themselves to the tooth structure. We can also administer antibiotics locally or systemically, use special rinses or a soft tissue diode laser to kill the bacteria and bio-stimulate the gums for healing. But the best method is prevention. That is why we invite all our clients to come regularly for the teeth cleanings and check-ups.
Pregnancy has also been known to exacerbate Gingivitis. This has been linked to the excessive response of the gums to plaque, triggered by hormonal changes in the woman's body.