Make an Appointment
Text Agnes: 647-984-8254
Call front desk: 1-519-773-2863
Located in St Thomas and Aylmer, Ontario
Tips for Seniors and Caregivers
Problems Specific to Seniors
Dental Care for Seniors
Seniors and Oral Health
Is a Dental Hygiene Clinic Different? What to expect?
Gum Problems during Pregnancy
Bleeding Gums during Pregnancy? Is it normal?
Cheapest Price?How Do You Know it is Right?
Cavities: What You Need to Know?
Canker/Cold Sores: How to Treat Them?
Why would you choose an independent dental hygiene clinic?
Nutrition and Your Teeth
Teeth Grinding (Bruxism) - the risks involved.
Oral Health Link to Heart Condition
How fitness can protect an aging brain.
Dry Mouth (Xerostomia). Your hygienist can help.
Gum Infection: Gingivitis
Plaque- What Is It and How It Is Affecting Us?
Fluoride: how beneficial it is.
Dentures - a good or a bad option?